Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) Addiction Treatment
The Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) addiction treatment operates 7 days per week, six hours per day, which includes both group therapy and individual counseling. The client meets with their primary counselor a minimum of once per week for a face-to-face individual session. The length of the PHP addiction treatment program is based on Clinical and Medical Necessity. The average length of stay for someone in the PHP Program is 21-30 days but that could vary. The PHP client is assigned a Mental Health Therapist and, at minimum, they will meet with the Psychiatrist for a Psychiatric Evaluation. Medication management is also available. From the first day of treatment, the emphasis is also on coordinating and setting up a strong aftercare program with their Case Manager. After completing PHP, most clients step down to the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) at Elevate. Other clients may decide to transfer to another treatment center for long-term treatment, while other clients will decide to live in a sober recovery home in the area.
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